

Los invitamos a leer el siguiente artículo que contó con la participación del Dra. Andrea Ramirez-Varela.

Objective: The CoVIDA project is a public-private collaboration led by Universidad de los Andes that contributed to the SARS-CoV-2 epidemiological surveillance
in Bogotá and nearby municipalities. We aimed to describe the development and performance of the Drive/Walk-through free RT- PCR for SARS-CoV-2 testing
strategy implemented by CoVIDA.

Material and method: We performed a descriptive analysis of the characteristics and performance of the CoVIDA Drive/Walk-through testing centers. The model
and the process indicators to assess the model’s performance were based on international experiences and scientific literature. Two screening centers were implemented
in shopping centers in the north and south of Bogotá. We reported the number of tests taken, the number of positive tests, and the number of participants
that used the model by the type of occupations.

Results: In total, 36,689 nasopharyngeal RT-PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 were performed with a 5.75% cumulative positivity. Process indicators showed an excellent
performance and an important contribution in reducing barriers to access to testing.

Conclusions: the CoVIDA Drive/Walk-through testing centers supported the epidemiological surveillance in asymptomatic or mild-symptomatic population in Bogotá.
Low and middle-income countries can use this model as a cost-effective and innovative solution strategy to intensify testing and help mitigate the pandemic.

Keywords: Epidemiological Monitoring [MeSH], COVID-19 Testing [MeSH], SARS-CoV-2 [MeSH], Colombia [MeSH], Drive-through, Walk-through.

Leer el artículo completo aquí.

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